Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Window Seat Wanderings

     Every Wednesday I post about a book I’ve read that I think is worth passing on. I have a personal love for Christian fiction so that is my main focus but you will find other reads sprinkled in here from time to time.

     I’d love to hear what you thought of a book I recommended or if you have a new one for me to try. So grab your favorite beverage and get comfortable, let’s get wandering!

     This weeks title is "The Princess" by Lori Wick. I picked this as my first title because, of all the books I've read, this is still my favorite. I read it at least once a year (sometimes more!); it's the perfect romance story.

Don't let the cover fool you! This is the older cover I own. The book was released with a redesigned cover not that long ago. I posted the older cover because it is the perfect example of why to not judge a book by it's cover.
This is a brief synopsis of the book:

      Born to a royal family, Prince Nicolai has grown up with the knowledge that he will be heir to the throne and to his people's hearts. Having suffered the early and painful death of his first wife, the young prince agrees to an arranged marriage to fulfill an ancient statute that the heir be married by his twenty-sixth birthday.

     He and his new bride, Shelby, live together as strangers for many weeks, but in time the prince draws closer to her. Yet it never occurs to Shelby, a commoner who married for the sake of her country but who secretly loves him deeply, that the prince's affection could truly turn toward her. By the time he comes to love her, she has walled off her heart to protect herself, and he must tenderly scale that wall.

     When you have the chance check out the book and let me know what you thought. Happy wanderings!

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