Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Goings On

Here is a brief overview of the last few weeks:

Alexa inherited our smallest tricycle and although she can't reach the pedals all the way around she wants to ride and be pushed on the bike. Her face in the picture is very intense because she is learning the all important skill of steering. She over corrects constantly which is funny and frustrating. We pretty much trace an "S" pattern down the sidewalk as she figures out where to go.

This little man upgraded his wheels to two plus the training wheels courtesy of a great yard sale deal this summer. He's loving the faster speeds and brakes as he's not as brave as he likes to think! ;-) He is already getting better at balancing the bike too.

I had to throw this shot up because I found a pair of adorable sunglasses at The Children's Place on clearance for a buck. I couldn't pass them up!

I have to point out too that besides these adorable jammies she's got our peanut is starting to finally grow quite the head of hair! She's got one awesome curlique in the back and we're hoping for more!

We also planted a much needed shade tree in our back yard and Chase had a blast for a few days playing in the hole daddy was digging for the tree. I couldn't pass up the photo-op and got this shot of him looking half buried in the yard.

We'll be back with more photos and I will get back on track and start posting Window Seat Wanderings again soon!

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