Friday, February 12, 2010

This boy is smart!

I checked in on Chase the other night after he went to bed. Once he's been tucked in for the night, he often gets up and quietly plays with his cars in the dark or by the light of our hall light. We don't mind as long as Chase is quiet; he is always in his bed by the time he falls asleep. The other night I peeked in and saw this on his floor. He pulled his puzzles out of the box shown in the picture, sorted them by the shape they have on the back and put them all together! He loves challenges like this but Howard and I were amazed. He just turned three and he's breezing through puzzles like this. Way to go buddy!

P.S. When he woke me up crying in the middle of the night because his nose was all stuffy he stopped crying long enough to ask me if I saw his puzzles and gave me the biggest, proudest grin possible before dissolving into tears again. I gave him a big grin back and assured him that his daddy and I were very proud of him. :-)

P.P.S. I tried the color career guide again today and it is working again, if you tried to use it before. Below are my results. I'd be curious if you take the test what you get and if you think it is correct. My answers are spot on!

I'm a Creator first, keywords being: Nonconforming, impulsive, expressive, romantic, intuitive, sensitive and emotional...

and I'm an Organizer second, keywords, being: self-control, practical, self-contained, orderly, systematic, precise and accurate. (It's all me, totally!)

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