Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day! This year was my first as a mommy of two! It was a beautiful, albeit windy day, so we spent much of it out of doors. We have been doing major landscaping work so I mowed the grass and Howard continued digging out our soon-to-be flower beds.

Chase has been very much involved in our renovations and being the little boy that he is, loves the amount of dirt to drive his trucks in. He got his very own shovel today and spent a happy half hour helping daddy dig. He mimics everything we do and he quickly got the hang of jumping on the shovel to dig up the dirt!
While Howard was running errands and Alexa was sleeping I pushed Chase around the yard in our wheelbarrow which was the highlight of his day. We also played with his trucks in the dirt and I pushed him around in Alexa's stroller. Howard made an excellent steak dinner for us and we took a walk as a family before the kids' bedtimes. It was the perfect way to spend a mother's day...

Helping fill the ditch

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